Buffet Canopy Rental Malaysia

One of the best things about any social or corporate event is the food – you want to ensure you have enough and the best quality. Our company has the equipment to ensure that your guests are served and satisfied regardless of the size of buffet. To this end we have a number of varying sizes of canopies that can seat from 50 to 1500 people – ideal for even the largest variety of cuisine.

In addition to the canopy equipment we have years of experience in outdoor events from simple family outings to major corporate outings – we have a wide variety of products and pricing that can cater for almost all needs. We stock luxurious canopies, seat covers and sturdy materials that can be used for any event. We will also provide advice on setting up and back up planning to ensure your guests are comfortable even if the weather changes.

In many cases when hosting outdoor corporate events we have observed there could be a need for additional services such as additional power points (power sockets) especially for events that run several days or late into the night. In such cases we have the equipments and gensets to help set up ideal event site to meet the needs of your participants. We also can provide back-up power options, lighting, public address systems, and deejay systems if called upon.

However for special purpose structures such as an elaborate stage with specific lighting we can provide a list of reliable vendors who can provide the service. Having been in the business for several years we also have many contacts that can be used to provide transportation to various venues. That is not to mention the many contacts that can provide almost any cuisine for your outdoor guests – including special deserts and dishes.

Call or email us and allow us to walk with you and make your outdoor buffet memorable.

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Call 017-5915100 for a free consultation and quotation. Email us at Sales@CanopyRentalExpert.com. We will get back to you less than one business day.
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